What literature would be considered to be part of the United States CURRENT literary canon.

You asked this question yesterday and I'll give you the same answer: There is not one magic list. It doesn't exist.

You can go through the Wikipedia link ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_literature ) that's in that first link above and try to put together a list, but your list will not be "correct" because someone can always think of something to add or disagree with something that's listed.

There is no magic list. Sorry.


The first section of this reading list contains some excellent titles. It's a good place to start.

I agree with Writeacher that there is NO one literary canon. She explained about literary canons in her posts yesterday for you.

Are you asking for "current" literature published in the last year? the last 10 years? the last 50 years? Please clarify what you mean by "current."

You may also want to check this site.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. To better understand the above, you might enjoy the following article, discussing the problems with the literary canon:
