what level and stage he or she is at developmentally, and list some characteristics demonstrating the nature of the stage.

i picked adolecent

can you help me find some sites plz

5 answers



• Select one of the age groups chosen in Week Six. Decide on the child’s age, what level and stage he or she is at developmentally, and list some characteristics demonstrating the nature of the stage.

are they talking abnout Rapid body changes as puberty is in full swing. Very moody. Teens wonder if they are going to be normal. They are very sensitive to their changing body and often measure their physical appearance and skills against idealized images. This is especially true of girls, who tend to be less satisfied with their body image and most constantly want to lose weight. etc...
Yes. Those are all part of the adolescent stage.
but is that developmentally, and list ofcharacteristics
Yes, they are characteristics of the development of the adolescent. You might also add their sexual awakenings and a couple of other characteristics from this site.
