What kind of rock is below the soil in Waynoka, Oklahoma?
3 answers
Due to forces within the Earth, parts of Oklahoma in the
geologic past were alternately below or above sea level. Thick
layers of sediments accumulated in shallow seas that covered
large areas. The sediments were later buried and lithified (hard
ened to rock) into marine shales, limestones, and sandstones
over geologic time. In areas near the ancient seas, sands and
clays accumulated as alluvial and deltaic deposits that sub
sequently were lithified to sandstones and shales. When the
areas were later elevated above the seas, rocks and sediments
that had been deposited earlier were exposed and eroded. Up
lift was accomplished by the gentle arching of broad areas,
or by mountain building where rocks were intensely folded,
faulted, and thrust upwar
geologic past were alternately below or above sea level. Thick
layers of sediments accumulated in shallow seas that covered
large areas. The sediments were later buried and lithified (hard
ened to rock) into marine shales, limestones, and sandstones
over geologic time. In areas near the ancient seas, sands and
clays accumulated as alluvial and deltaic deposits that sub
sequently were lithified to sandstones and shales. When the
areas were later elevated above the seas, rocks and sediments
that had been deposited earlier were exposed and eroded. Up
lift was accomplished by the gentle arching of broad areas,
or by mountain building where rocks were intensely folded,
faulted, and thrust upwar
The above is from:
Compiled by Kenneth S. Johnson, Oklahoma Geological Survey
Compiled by Kenneth S. Johnson, Oklahoma Geological Survey