What is your favorite movie(s) and show(s)? What is your favorite episode(s) of the show(s) and what is your favorite part of the movie(s)? What is your favorite book(s)?
2 answers
My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. My favorite part of the movie is when Andy Dufresne finally escapes from prison. My favorite show is The Office. My favorite episode is "The Dinner Party" and my favorite part is when Michael and Jim prank Dwight. My favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.
My favorite movie is Sing 1 and Sing 2. My favorite show is idklol. My favorite part of the movie is everthing and the pefromances. And my favorite book is Five Nights at Freddys Tales from the mega pizzaples 3.