What is wisdom? Is it in the stories that Grandfather told me, or is it in what I achieved from schooling? The reality is, wisdom is not learned in school; wisdom is accomplished through countless years of experience. The dictionary informs us that wisdom is knowledge of what is true. To some people knowing their self well is wisdom. Still, to many others, just being happy and healthy is complete wisdom. Now, how do we know what wisdom really is? To be very honest, wisdom can mean one thing to a person, and something completely opposite to another.

So i combined what bobpursley and gurublue told me, and this is what i wrote. now, the problem is that i need to have a thesis statement as the last sentence, and i don't knwo what my thesis is.
I guess i should state three different meanings of wisdom in my thesis..and describe them in details in the paragraphs later on. what do you think?

for ex. Being knowledgeable, being happy, and knowing one's own self are all aspects of wisdom

is it ok?

2 answers

That is ok, if that is what you intend to explain and develop.
All Right! I think I'll be able to do that