Wahhabism is a fundamentalist and conservative Islamic movement that originated in the 18th century in the Arabian Peninsula. It was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in what is now Saudi Arabia.
Wahhabism promotes a strict interpretation of Islamic teachings and encourages a return to the early practices of Islam. It emphasizes monotheism, rejects any form of religious innovation, and advocates for a puritanical lifestyle. This ideology influences various aspects of life, including social, political, economic, and personal activities.
Saudi Arabia is seen as the main stronghold of Wahhabism, as it is the birthplace of the ideology. The Saudi government has closely aligned itself with the Wahhabi movement and has supported its propagation around the world through funding institutions, mosques, and educational centers. Consequently, Wahhabism has significant influence within the Saudi Arabian society and has shaped the country's laws, education system, religious institutions, and cultural practices.
Beyond Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism has gained influence in several other countries as well. It has found resonance in countries like Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to varying degrees. Additionally, it has made inroads into regions with Muslim populations such as South Asia, Southeast Asia, North Africa, and parts of Africa.
What is Wahhabism? Where does it have the most influence? nmj
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Wahhabism is a conservative Islamic movement originating from Saudi Arabia. It promotes a strict interpretation of Islam and has significant influence in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim-majority countries.