What is URL.with example

1 answer

A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the address used to access resources on the internet. It specifies the location of a resource as well as the protocol used to retrieve it. A URL typically consists of several components, including the protocol, domain name, path, and sometimes query parameters and fragments.

Basic Structure of a URL

Here’s the basic structure of a URL:

  1. Protocol: Specifies the method used to access the resource (e.g., http, https, ftp).
  2. Domain: The domain name or IP address of the server hosting the resource (e.g., www.example.com).
  3. Port (optional): A number that indicates a specific port on the server (e.g., :80 for HTTP, :443 for HTTPS). If omitted, defaults are used based on the protocol.
  4. Path: The specific location of the resource on the server (e.g., /path/to/resource).
  5. Query (optional): A string of key-value pairs that provide additional parameters (e.g., ?key1=value1&key2=value2).
  6. Fragment (optional): A reference to a specific part of the resource (e.g., #section1).

Example of a URL

Let's break down the following URL:

  • Protocol: https
  • Domain: www.example.com
  • Port: 443 (usually omitted for HTTPS)
  • Path: /path/to/resource
  • Query: search=query
  • Fragment: section

This URL points to a resource located at https://www.example.com/path/to/resource with a query parameter called search that is set to query and directs the user to a specific section of the page identified as section.


URLs are used in web browsers to navigate to web pages, in APIs for web services, and in many other contexts to identify resources on the internet.