The trimester period in pregnancy refers to the three distinct stages of development that a woman goes through during her pregnancy. These trimesters are divided based on the number of weeks of gestation:
1. First Trimester: It begins from conception and lasts until the end of week 12. During this period, the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterus, and the baby's organs and systems begin to form. Common symptoms during this trimester include morning sickness, fatigue, and breast tenderness.
2. Second Trimester: It starts from week 13 and lasts until week 28. During this stage, the baby's organs continue growing and developing, and the mother may start to feel the baby's movements. Many women experience relief from first trimester symptoms, and the pregnancy might become more noticeable.
3. Third Trimester: It begins from week 29 until the birth of the baby, usually around week 40. In this period, the baby continues to grow rapidly, and the mother may experience discomfort due to the increasing size of the baby and pressure on her organs. Braxton Hicks contractions, swelling, and increased frequency of urination are common during this stage.
Each trimester is an important milestone in the progression of pregnancy and comes with its own set of developmental changes and physical experiences for both the mother and the baby.
what is trimister period in pregnancy
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