◦What is traffic calming, and how can it alleviate fear or disorder?
Describe how the safe corridor initiative benefited by furthering community-policing goals? Does this affect negative citizen encounters? Why? How can the police turn a negative citizen encounter into a positive encounter during traffic enforcement?
How does community disorder affect the fear of crime? How can community-policing initiatives alleviate crime? In your opinion, what is more important to a police official, the actual crime rate or the fear of crime in a community? Why?
◦How can the police decrease the fear of crime? Can the fear of crime be adequately measured?
One of the criticisms of community policing is that police officers are required to change roles from crime fighters to social workers. However, if implemented correctly, community policing can proactively engage in crime prevention strategies and fulfill both roles.
◦Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? Why?
Use references/cite sources