What is traditional moral and political philosophies and modern moral and political philosophies?

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It sort of depends on where you draw the line, but older political philosophies would include those of Plato, Aristotle, Montesquieu, Locke, Hegel, Hobbes, etc. Older moral or ethical philosophy is embodied in the Biblical traditions, Buddhism, etc, as well as, again, Plato, then Kant, Locke, Rousseau, John Stuart Mill, et al. Modern political philosophy might be construed as beginning with Marx and includes the ideas of such diverse thinkers as Hannah Arendt, John Rawls and Michael Waltzer. Modern ethical philosophers include G. E. Moore, Dewey, Putnam, Donald Davidson, Philipa Foot, et al. Google is your friend here.
Do not forget about Jeremy Bentham, Joe. One can take entire courses about this, Sara.