what is this text structure? October 8, 1871. For the next three days, the fire spread throughout the city, destroying thousands of buildings, killing an estimated 300 people, and causing an estimated $200 million in damages. There are many reasons for the rapid spread and major destruction of the Great Chicago Fire. First of all, many of the city's buildings, sidewalks, and roads were made of wood. Because of this, the fire had plenty of fuel. The weather also led to the fire's rapid spread and destruction. That year, the city was experiencing a severe drought. Since the city had received such small amounts of rain, the fire was able to easily spread. Additionally, the city was experiencing strong winds on the night the fire began. As a result, embers flew across the city, landing on the roofs of adjacent buildings. Because many of these buildings were topped with flammable tar or shingles, they

1 answer

The text structure of the provided passage is cause and effect. It presents information about the Great Chicago Fire by explaining the causes that led to the fire's rapid spread and the effects of those causes, such as the destruction of buildings, loss of life, and financial damages. The author identifies specific reasons (e.g., wooden buildings, severe drought, and strong winds) that contributed to the fire's severity and discusses the consequences that resulted from those causes.