It's easier to do this in absorbance and convert to T or %T.
Absorbance = log 1/T.
a. Washing a cuvette with DI but failing to rinse with solution to be measured means that the solution to be measured is not more dilute than it should be. How will that affect the A and T?
b. Failing to wipe fingerprints from the cuvette means less light gets through the cuvette. How will that affect A and T.
c.Changing wavelength to something othr than lambda max means the solution no longer absorbs as much as it should? How will that affect A and T? Well, A is less, obviously, which means %T is more.
What is the % transmittance for each of these errors
Washing a cuvette with DI water, then failing to rinse it with the solution to be measured
Failing to wipe off fingerprints from the cuvette.
Changing the wavelength from maxtomax+10 nm.
1 answer