To add these numbers, we need to convert them to the same exponent. We can convert 6.3×10^3 to the same exponent as 2.41×10^4 by moving the decimal point one place to the right:
6.3×10^3 = 63×10^2
Now, add the two numbers together:
63×10^2 + 2.41×10^4
Since they both have the same exponent of 10^2, we can add the numerical values:
63 + 2.41 = 65.41
Therefore, the sum of 6.3×10^3 and 2.41×10^4 is 65.41×10^2.
Written in scientific notation, this is 6.541×10^3.
What is the sum of 6.3×103 and 2.41×104 ?
1 answer