What is the specific volume of a gas at 180psia & 90°F when its density is 0.0892 lb/cu ft at 14.7psia & 32°F. Calculate its gas constant & the appropriate molecular weight.
@ 14.7psia & 32°F
v= 1/0.0892lb/cu.ft = 11.2108cu.ft/lb
v= 19372.2624 cu.in/lb
R=Gas Constant
R=(14.7lb/sq.in)x(19372.2624 cu.in/lb)x(1ft/12in))/(492°R)
R= 48.2338 (ft lb(force)/lb(mass) °R)
Solving Specific Volume @ 180psia & 90°F
v= 48.2338 (ft lb(force)/lb(mass) °R)x(550°R) / (25920lb/sq.ft)
v= 1.0235lb/cu.ft
Unsure about Molecular Weight
p= 1/1.0235lb/cu.ft =0.977cu.ft/lb
MW= 0.977cu.ft/lb (48.2338 (ft lb(force)/lb(mass) °R) x 550°R / (25920lb/sq.ft))
MW= 0.9999
1 answer
Therefore, the specific volume of a gas at 180psia & 90°F when its density is 0.0892 lb/cu ft at 14.7psia & 32°F is 1.0235lb/cu.ft and the gas constant is 48.2338 (ft lb(force)/lb(mass) °R). The appropriate molecular weight is 0.9999.