what is the sound word for bow and arrow? eg. Nobody heard the ____ of the bow or the ____ of the arrow.

12 answers

twang of the bow?
swish of the arrow?
thank you
Many words could be used. Are you studying words that are examples of onomateopia? Those are words that sound like the phenomemon they are describing. You can even invent your own. In your case, "whoosh" or "thwang" might represent the bow sound, and "thud" or "thwap" might represent the sound of the arrow hitting the target. There are probably better words, and I may have just invented two.
I misspelled "Onomatopoeia". It describes the kinds of words you are looking for, not the bow and arrow sounds themselves.
ok i get it. thank you very much.
It makes a Pfling
who plays roblox o
What is the sound of arowws shooting out of the sky?
I don't paly roblox o.
Maybe swish, twang, woosh, fling?