What is the simplified form for the product Fraction 1: the quantity x plus 1 over the quantity x squared minus 25; Fraction 2: the quantity x plus 5 over the quantity x squared plus 8 times x plus 7; Find Fraction 1 times by Fraction 2.?

(1 point)

The quantity x plus 1 over the quantity x plus 5 times the quantity x plus 7
Image with alt text: The quantity x plus 1 over the quantity x plus 5 times the quantity x plus 7

1 over the quantity x plus 5 times the quantity x plus 7
Image with alt text: 1 over the quantity x plus 5 times the quantity x plus 7

1 over the quantity x minus 5 times the quantity x plus 7
Image with alt text: 1 over the quantity x minus 5 times the quantity x plus 7

1 over the quantity x plus 5 times the quantity x minus 7

1 answer

Image with alt text: 1 over the quantity x plus 5 times the quantity x minus 7