What is the Show Not Tell Technique?
Show, don't ____tell_____ is a __strategy______ used in narrative
_____writing________ to allow the ____reader____________ to experience the
________story____ through action, __________, thoughts, ____________,
and feelings rather _______ through the ________________ exposition
(telling), ____________________ (retelling), and description.
Why use show not tell strategies?
Telling creates a _____________________ picture. Showing creates a
__________________. It __________________ the reader and let them
___________________________________ what is going on
What are the show not tell strategies?
Show not tell using:
1. _________________________: - use conversation between the characters to involve the readers and connect the events of a story or provide background information on your character.
2. Character’s ______________________________________: use this technique to help the reader infer the personality of the character or reveal their motivation. It can also be used to advance the plot.
3. The ___________________ senses (Sound, Sight, Smell, Touch, and Taste). Not all five senses have to be used. To help the reader visualize the character or the event, use descriptive details, awesome adjectives, strong actions verbs that appeal to one or two of the senses.
4. Figurative ________________________________: is a way to engage your readers, guiding them through your writing with a more creative tone. Use personification, metaphor, simile, and hyperbole.
Write simile example from video here: _________________________
Write metaphor example from video here:________________________
Telling: Thalia was angry when she had got her test back and saw that she had gotten an F.
Showing: Write the example from the video here
SUMMARY: Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes. Make sure to answer the following questions in your summary: What is the Show Not Tell Technique? What are the 4 different strategies of Show Not Tell and how do they help improve your writing for the reader?
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