What is the relevance of the academic study of the Bible today,especially in African context.

One of the controversies concerns the actual location of the kingdom of Sheba; some scholars say it was in Ethiopia (Africa) and others claim it was in Yemen (Asia). The location of the Garden of Eden is also disputed.

Check these sites.


(Broken Link Removed)

And don't forget all those trips different people made to Egypt -- Abraham, Joseph (coat of many colors), and Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.

In general, there are innumerable literary references that include biblical stories, Greek and Roman mythology, and Shakespearean works. Knowing these references helps enhance your understanding of whatever author you are reading.

Here are some resources for you:



The Bible is as much "history" as it is anything else. Much of the Old Testament was taken from ancient writings. By studying those writings in conjunction with what archeologists have found from other restored artifacts, we are able to put many of the historical events into real context. It always helps to know the history and background of today's world, so that we can better relate to all the people of the world more realistically.