What is the purpose of government? Select a quotation from a US leader on the subject of government. Then, write an argumentative essay that explains why you agree or disagree with the leader’s views. In the conclusion to your essay, present your own views on the purpose of government based on the statement you evaluated and discussed.

1 answer

“The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

I agree with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s views on the purpose of government. The primary role of government should be to ensure the safety and happiness of its citizens. A government should not aim to serve the interests of the governors, but rather prioritize the needs and well-being of the governed. This quote epitomizes the essence of a truly democratic government, where the power lies in the hands of the people.

Governments play a crucial role in providing a safe and secure environment for their citizens. It is the responsibility of the government to establish and enforce laws that protect individuals and maintain order within society. Without government intervention, we would live in a state of anarchy, with chaos and lawlessness prevailing. By ensuring safety, the government creates an environment in which individuals can thrive, pursue their aspirations, and live fulfilling lives.

Moreover, the government should strive to promote the happiness of its citizens. This does not mean that the government should be solely responsible for ensuring individual happiness, as personal contentment depends on various factors. However, the government should work towards creating conditions that allow its citizens to pursue their own happiness and well-being freely. This includes providing education, healthcare, and a robust economic system that offers employment opportunities and a decent standard of living. When the government actively works to enhance the overall happiness of its citizens, it strengthens the sense of unity, cohesion, and social progress within the nation.

Disagreements with Roosevelt's views may arise from the perspective that the primary role of government is to protect the interests of the governors. Some argue that government exists to serve the ruling elite, who use their power to maintain control and further their own agenda, while disregarding the needs of the people. Indeed, history is replete with examples where governments abused their authority, oppressing citizens and prioritizing personal gain over public welfare.

However, such abuses of power should not undermine the essential purpose of government. In striving for a better society, it is crucial to recognize that the actions of a corrupt government do not reflect the inherent purpose of governance itself. The faults lie not within the concept of government but within the individuals who exploit it for personal gain. The solution lies in holding those in power accountable and working towards a system that prioritizes the well-being of the governed.

In conclusion, the purpose of government, as put forth by Franklin D. Roosevelt, is to ensure the safety and happiness of its citizens. I wholeheartedly agree with this view. Government should exist for the interests of the governed, with the primary goal of creating a secure and prosperous society. While there have been instances where governments have abused their power, it is crucial to separate these abuses from the true purpose of governance. By upholding the principles of democracy, accountability, and prioritizing the well-being of the people, we can work towards creating a society where government fulfills its fundamental responsibilities.