To find the product of these two numbers, you need to multiply their decimal parts and their exponent parts separately.
The decimal parts:
2.5 x 3.9 = 9.75
The exponent parts:
10^(-15) x 10^26 = 10^(-15+26) = 10^11
Putting it all together, the product is 9.75 x 10^11, which in scientific notation is 9.75 × 10^11.
Therefore, the correct answer is 9.75 × 10^11.
What is the product of 2.5 × 10−15 and 3.9 × 1026? (5 points)
6.4 × 101
9.75 × 1011
6.4 × 1041
9.75 × 1041
1 answer