Multiply the numerators and then multiply the denominators.
(11/15)(12/7) = 132/105
132/105 = 1 27/105 = 1 9/35
What is the product of 11/15 and 12/7?
Can you show me how this is done please?
2 answers
What is the product of 11/15 and 12/7?
Can you show me how this is done please?
Multiply together the numerators which are the top numbers in fractions
11 x 12 = 132
Next, multiply together the denominators which are the bottom numbers in fractions
15 x 7 = 105
The answer is 132/105
Now simplify or reduce the numerator and denominator to lowest forms
They are already in lowest forms.
You can also change the fraction to a mixed number. 132 divided by 105
gives 1 and 27/105 = 1 27/105
The whole number stays 1 but the 27/105 fraction part can be reduced to 9/35
You answer to find the product of
11/15 x 12/7 = 1 9/35
Can you show me how this is done please?
Multiply together the numerators which are the top numbers in fractions
11 x 12 = 132
Next, multiply together the denominators which are the bottom numbers in fractions
15 x 7 = 105
The answer is 132/105
Now simplify or reduce the numerator and denominator to lowest forms
They are already in lowest forms.
You can also change the fraction to a mixed number. 132 divided by 105
gives 1 and 27/105 = 1 27/105
The whole number stays 1 but the 27/105 fraction part can be reduced to 9/35
You answer to find the product of
11/15 x 12/7 = 1 9/35