Multiplication of Rational Numbers:
1. Consider the factors of the numerator and of the denominator.
2. If there are factors common to the numerator and the denominator, reduce by dividing out the common factors.
3. Multiply all the numerators together and multiply all the denominators together.
Note that the steps 2 and 3 may be interchanged.
Dividing is the same thing as multiplying, you just flip the second fraction and multiply, you aren't actually dividing.
(x+1)/(x-2)(x+3) * (2)(x+3)/(x)(x+1)
The x+1's cancel out, as well as the x+3's. And you are left with 2 in the numerator and x(x-2) in the denominator.
What is the process we follow when multiplying and dividing radical expressions? Explain the process and demonstrate with an example.
1 answer