The preoperative care for a patient following gastrectomy includes the following:
1. Medical history and physical examination: The healthcare provider will evaluate the patient's overall health status, including any present medical conditions or allergies. They will also conduct a physical examination to assess the patient's specific needs.
2. Blood tests: Blood tests are performed to evaluate the patient's blood count, kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and other important parameters.
3. Nutritional assessment: Patients undergoing gastrectomy may have nutritional deficiencies due to poor absorption. A nutritionist will assess the patient's nutritional status and help develop a suitable diet plan.
4. Medication review: The healthcare team will review the patient's current medications and advise the patient on which medications should be stopped or continued before surgery. This is to prevent any potential complications or adverse drug interactions during the procedure.
5. Bowel preparation: Patients may undergo bowel preparation to clear the digestive tract of any fecal matter, which helps reduce the risk of infection during and after surgery.
6. Smoking and alcohol cessation: Patients are strongly encouraged to quit smoking and avoid alcohol prior to surgery, as they can delay wound healing and increase the risk of complications.
7. Education and counseling: The healthcare team will educate the patient about the surgical procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes. They will also provide information on postoperative care, including diet modifications and lifestyle changes.
8. Psychological preparation: Some patients may experience anxiety or stress before surgery. The healthcare team may refer the patient to a psychologist or counselor to help alleviate any fears or concerns.
9. Consent and paperwork: The patient will meet with their surgeon to discuss the procedure in detail and provide informed consent. They will also complete any necessary paperwork, such as advance directives or surgical consent forms.
10. Pre-operative fasting: Patients will be instructed to abstain from eating or drinking anything for a specific period before surgery. The healthcare team will provide clear instructions regarding fasting guidelines.
It is important for patients to follow these preoperative care instructions in order to ensure a successful surgery and optimize their outcome.
What is the pre operative care for patient following gastrectomy
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