What is a sieve?
How long do you think one of these would stay afloat? Why?
Notice that this is Edward Lear's homepage, and it's on a website called Nonsenselit. The whole thing is meant to be right on the edge of making sense and not making sense!
Each stanza has 14 lines in it. Do you see any rhyme scheme in them?
Sonnets have 14 lines and are individual poems. They have other characteristics, too. Do these stanzas seem to be structured like sonnets?
Only you can write about what YOU FIND INTERESTING. And you need to come to conclusions about what the author wants the readers to think about.
Remember a couple of other things: 1) Poetry is intended to be read aloud; be sure to read it aloud at least once so you hear what the poet intends. 2) Many writers, including poets, have put serious topics into seemingly nonsense works. Do you think that's what's going on here? Be sure to be able to answer that AND to give examples of specific lines in the poem where a serious subject is hidden in the "nonsense lit."
Let us know what you come up with.
What is the poem The Jumblies by Edward Lear about?
What words and/or phrases do you find interesting?
How is the poem structured?
What did he want us to think about?
plz help thanks in advance :)
1 answer