- Alarums: This refers to a loud and chaotic noise, particularly associated with battle or conflict.
- Visaged: This means having a face or facial expression.
- Barbed: This refers to something with sharp points or barbs, often used in relation to weapons or traps.
- Capers: This can mean playful and lively jumps or leaps.
- Lascivious: This describes someone who is inclined towards lustful or lewd behavior.
- Sportive: This means playful, merry, or inclined towards fun and games.
- Amorous: This refers to someone who is feeling or expressing romantic or sexual love.
- Ambling: This describes a slow and relaxed walk or movement, often associated with horses.
- Curtail'd: This is the term used for something that has been shortened or cut off, often used to describe a dog's tail that has been docked.
- Dissembling: This means concealing or disguising one's true intentions or feelings.
- Deform'd: This pertains to something that has been altered, marred, or disfigured in a way that deviates from the normal or ideal form.
- Unfinish'd: This means incomplete or not fully completed.
- Lamely: This refers to something being done in a weak or ineffective manner.
What is the meaning of the words by Shakespeare below
alarums, visaged, barbed, capers, lascivious, sportive, amorous, ambling, curtail'd, dissembling, deform'd, unfinish'd, lamely
1 answer