my little BASIC program gave the following:
Chipmunk BASIC v3.6.5(b3)
4 possible cases:
testing for 518
518 ---> 5 + 1^2 + 8^3 = 5+1+512 = 518
I ran the following little program
Chipmunk BASIC v3.6.5(b3)
>10 for a = 1 to 9
>20 for b = 0 to 9
>30 for c =0 to 9
>40 if(100*a+10*b+c) = a+b*b+c*c*c then print a,b,c
>50 next c
>60 next b
>70 next a
1 3 5
1 7 5
5 1 8
5 9 8
What is the largest three-digit number with the property that the number is equal to the sum of its hundreds digit, the square of its tens digit and the cube of its units digit?
1 answer