The occipital eye field area, also known as area 19, is a region in the occipital lobe of the brain that is responsible for visual perception and eye movements. It plays a crucial role in processing visual information, especially in relation to the control of eye movements and visual attention.
The primary function of the occipital eye field area is to integrate visual stimuli from the environment with motor responses involved in eye movements. It helps in directing gaze towards different objects in the visual field, scanning the environment, and tracking moving objects.
Additionally, the occipital eye field area is involved in visual attention and the orientation of attention towards specific visual stimuli. It helps in filtering out irrelevant information and focusing on relevant objects or events in the visual scene.
Overall, the occipital eye field area is essential for the coordination of visual perception and eye movements, enabling us to visually explore and interact with the world around us.
what is the function of The occipital eye field area (area-19) of the brain
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