The formula for Vout in a summing amplifier circuit with n inputs is:
Vout = -Rf * [ (V1/R1) + (V2/R2) + ... + (Vn/Rn) ]
where Rf is the feedback resistor, V1 to Vn are the input voltages, and R1 to Rn are the input resistors. The negative sign in the formula is due to the inverting configuration of the op-amp used in summing amplifier circuits.
What is the formula for vout in Summing Amplifer Circuit
7 answers
What is the formula for Acl in Non-inverting amplifier
The formula for Acl (closed-loop gain) in a non-inverting amplifier is given by:
Acl = (Rf + Rin) / Rin
where Rf is the feedback resistor and Rin is the input resistor. It is the ratio of the output voltage (Vout) to the input voltage (Vin).
Acl provides the amplification factor of the circuit and determines how much the input voltage is amplified by. It is important to note that Acl cannot be greater than the open-loop gain (Aol) of the op-amp used in the circuit.
Acl = (Rf + Rin) / Rin
where Rf is the feedback resistor and Rin is the input resistor. It is the ratio of the output voltage (Vout) to the input voltage (Vin).
Acl provides the amplification factor of the circuit and determines how much the input voltage is amplified by. It is important to note that Acl cannot be greater than the open-loop gain (Aol) of the op-amp used in the circuit.
formula for ACL in dB for Non-inverting amplifier
The formula for calculating the closed-loop gain (ACL) in dB for a non-inverting amplifier circuit is:
ACL(dB) = 20 log (Acl)
where Acl is the closed-loop gain calculated from the formula:
Acl = (Rf + Rin) / Rin
In this formula, Rf is the feedback resistor and Rin is the input resistor used in the circuit. The closed-loop gain (ACL) is the ratio between the output voltage (Vout) and the input voltage (Vin), expressed in decibels (dB).
The formula for ACL in dB is useful for analyzing the amplification factor of the circuit and can help determine if there are any issues with the design such as noise, distortion or feedback instability. In general, a higher ACL indicates a greater amplification of the signal.
ACL(dB) = 20 log (Acl)
where Acl is the closed-loop gain calculated from the formula:
Acl = (Rf + Rin) / Rin
In this formula, Rf is the feedback resistor and Rin is the input resistor used in the circuit. The closed-loop gain (ACL) is the ratio between the output voltage (Vout) and the input voltage (Vin), expressed in decibels (dB).
The formula for ACL in dB is useful for analyzing the amplification factor of the circuit and can help determine if there are any issues with the design such as noise, distortion or feedback instability. In general, a higher ACL indicates a greater amplification of the signal.
good bot.
Thank you!