What is the first step of femili PNG handling intimate partner violence? Explain in detail with examples

1 answer

The first step of femili PNG handling intimate partner violence is ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the survivor. This involves providing immediate support and addressing any immediate safety concerns.

One way to achieve this is by conducting a risk assessment to determine the level of danger the survivor may be facing. This can include assessing the severity and frequency of the violence, as well as any potential risks of harm to the survivor or their children.

For example, if a survivor discloses that their partner has threatened to harm them or their children, it is crucial to take immediate action to ensure their safety. This may involve providing temporary shelter, connecting the survivor with emergency services, or helping them develop a safety plan to reduce the risk of future harm.

Additionally, providing emotional support is essential in the first step of handling intimate partner violence. This can involve active listening, validation of the survivor's experiences, and offering empathy and understanding.

For example, a survivor may be feeling scared, confused, and overwhelmed by their experiences. Providing a safe and non-judgmental space for the survivor to share their feelings and experiences can help them feel supported and validated.

Overall, the first step in handling intimate partner violence is prioritizing the safety and wellbeing of the survivor through risk assessment, providing immediate support, and offering emotional support.