heat to melt ice + heat to raise T of melted ice from zero C to the final T + heat lost by warm water = 0
1st term:
mass ice x deltaH fusion.
2nd term:
mass melted ice x specific heat water x (Tfinal-Tinitial)
3rd term:
mass hot water x specific heat water x (Tfinal-Tinitial)
Add all of them, set to zero, and solve for the only unknown; i.e., Tfinal.
What is the final temperature, in oC, after a 26.5 g piece of ice, at 0oC, is placed in a styrofoam cup with 122 g of water initially at 73.8oC
the specific heat of water = 4.184 JK-1g-1
The heat of fusion of ice = 333 Jg-1
1 answer