what is the effect that mass production of books has had on:
a) individuals
Mass production of books have enabled more people to read. Before books were affordable, people relied on their memories to recall stories and events. But books have enlarged their worlds so that we no longer rely on word-of-mouth, but can read information written by authors far beyond our own sphere of acquaintances.
by making books more affordable and having people read them and learn new things this effect be towards families as well wouldn't it. But then what effect of mass production of books cause on lets say businesses, cities, or even the government?
so then if it were to be overall cultural then the mass production of book effects them by interchanging the thoughts , and different writings all over the world to have more sales for the authors. Is this correct?
Affordable books also affects families as well as individuals. They also produced businesses that produce and sell these books. It encouraged authors to write and sell their manuscripts, which encouraged agents to help these authors. Cities and other governments profitted, not only from easier access to knowledge, but from the taxes raised from the sale of these books.
Actually, most authors don't make much money from the sale of their books. Publishing companies and book stores make most of the money from the sale of books.
so then what is the effect that mass production of books have on overall cultures?
Mass production of books have increased literacy, knowledge, and economies.
oh I did not think towards that perspective. Thank you for clearifying it for me. ON this topic
Do not forget mass production of the Bible and its effect on religion. Look at iss effect on the Protestant Reformation.