What is the Earth system sphere that includes humans, their activities, and their impacts on the Earth system?(1 point)
Which process leads to the formation of caves?(1 point)
frost wedging
frost wedging
root wedging
root wedging
physical weathering
physical weathering
chemical weathering
What is the term for the precipitation that falls on the windward side of a mountain?(1 point)
plateau precipitation
plateau precipitation
air pressure precipitation
air pressure precipitation
leeward precipitation
leeward precipitation
orographic precipitation
The Amazon rain forest is best known as(1 point)
a place experiencing rampant cultural eutrophication.
a place experiencing rampant cultural eutrophication.
a place of little biodiversity.
a place of little biodiversity.
a desert.
a desert.
a biodiversity hotspot.
How has China’s rapid industrialization in the last 40 years impacted the standard of living in the country?(1 point)
The standard of living in China has improved because of their adoption of sustainable development practices.
The standard of living in China has improved because of their adoption of sustainable development practices.
The standard of living in China has risen, even as agriculture has disappeared and been replaced by manufacturing.
The standard of living in China has risen, even as agriculture has disappeared and been replaced by manufacturing.
The standard of living in China has improved; however, there have been environmental costs, including pollution in cities.
The standard of living in China has improved; however, there have been environmental costs, including pollution in cities.
The standard of living in China has fallen; however, China’s manufacturing sector has grown generating wealth
Which of the following best describes how demographic data can illustrate changes in societies over time?(1 point)
Demographic data can be analyzed on a population pyramid.
Demographic data can be analyzed on a population pyramid.
Changes in demographic data over time can be compared to show how health, hygiene, technology, and standard of living have changed.
Changes in demographic data over time can be compared to show how health, hygiene, technology, and standard of living have changed.
Demographic data can be gathered by completing a census every five or ten years.
Demographic data can be gathered by completing a census every five or ten years.
Demographic data can measure how many people of a certain age are alive at any given time.
It is reasonable to expect a country with a very low human development index (HDI) to also have which of the following?(1 point)
high rates of college graduation
high rates of college graduation
a low rate of illiteracy
a low rate of illiteracy
a low life expectancy at birth
a low life expectancy at birth
high per capita income
Which of the following describes a population trend related to industrialization?(1 point)
Rural area populations still outnumber urban populations.
Rural area populations still outnumber urban populations.
It drove increasing urban populations in the 1950s.
It drove increasing urban populations in the 1950s.
It has expanded city sizes and lowered population density.
It has expanded city sizes and lowered population density.
More than half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas.
What conditions are necessary for the formation of cities?(1 point)
interconnected trade
interconnected trade
urban blight
urban blight
Which of the following is a pull factor that has led many people from other parts of the U.S. to move to Miami?(1 point)
the tropical climate of Miami
the tropical climate of Miami
problems related to climate change in other parts of the country
problems related to climate change in other parts of the country
improved social services and better infrastructure than the rest of the U.S.
improved social services and better infrastructure than the rest of the U.S.
job opportunities only available in Miami
What is a pull factor of Turkey that has caused so many Syrian refugees to go there?(1 point)
Turkey is fighting against the Syrian government in the war.
Turkey is fighting against the Syrian government in the war.
Turkey is the only country that has a border with Syria.
Turkey is the only country that has a border with Syria.
Turkey is closer to Europe than any of Syria’s other neighbors.
Turkey is closer to Europe than any of Syria’s other neighbors.
Turkey has given refugees better living conditions than other countries.
Identify which of the following cultural factors was present in the migration of Muslims to Pakistan following the end of British colonialism.(1 point)