what is the difference between Vietcong and Vietnamese?
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I still don't get it.
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Main Entry: Viet·cong
Pronunciation: vE-'et-'kä[ng], vyet-, "vE-&t-, vEt-, -'ko[ng]
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural Vietcong
Etymology: Vietnamese Viêt-cong
Date: 1957
: a guerrilla member of the Vietnamese Communist movement
Main Entry: Viet·nam·ese
Pronunciation: vE-"et-n&-'mEz, "vyet-, "vE-&t-, "vEt-, -na-, -nä-, -'mEs
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural Vietnamese
Date: 1947
1 : a native or inhabitant of Vietnam
2 : the language of the largest group in Vietnam and the official language of the country
- Vietnamese adjective
Now what is the difference? One is a guerrilla and the other simply an inhabitant!
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