19 is prime number ( divisible only by 1 and with itself )
Positive factors of 19:
1 and 19
Negative Factors of 19:
- 1 and - 19
Highest positive factor of 19 is 19
Positive factors of 21:
1 , 3 , 7 and 21
Negative Factors of 21:
- 1 , - 3 , - 7 and - 21
The highest negative factor of 21 is - 1 because, for negative numbes
- 1 > - 21
The difference between the highest positive factor of 19 and the highest negative factor of 21 =
19 - ( - 1 ) = 19 + 1 = 20
What is the difference between the highest positive factor of 19 and the highest negative factor of 21?
2 answers