Here is a site that is lengthy and somewhat wordy but you should be able to get what you need. I think it may also provide other links. In particular, scroll down to nutrition and classification and metabolism.
Carbohydrates get their name because of their chemical formula;i.e., carbo from carbon and hydrate from water. Their general formula is CH2O.
In general, simple sugars are monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, etc C6H12O6) and disaccharides (sucrose--table sugar--C12H22O11) while starches are polysaccharides. Carbs provide energy for the body.
What is the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates?
How are sugars are broken down and used in the body?
What are the benefits that carbohydrates provide to the body?
I need help finding where I would find this infomation....I have found sites but they do not explain them to where I really understand it all...please help me
2 answers
Simple carbohydrates are the simple sugars as noted above while starches are the complex carbohydrates.