The main difference between postmodernism and modernism lies in their philosophy, aesthetic, and approach to art and culture.
Modernism emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and emphasized rationality, individualism, and the rejection of traditional forms and conventions. Modernist artists sought to break away from traditional styles and create new forms of art that reflected the rapidly changing world around them. They believed in the idea of progress and sought to create art that reflected the modern world.
On the other hand, postmodernism emerged in the late 20th century as a reaction against the perceived limitations of modernism. Postmodernism rejects the idea of progress and believes that truth is subjective and relative. Postmodern artists embrace pastiche, irony, and the mixing of high and low culture. They often challenge traditional boundaries between disciplines and mediums and question established norms and conventions.
In terms of art and culture, modernism is characterized by its focus on purity, form, and originality, while postmodernism embraces eclecticism, parody, and pastiche. Postmodernism also tends to be more self-referential and skeptical of grand narratives, while modernism sought to create new narratives and overarching principles.
Overall, the difference between postmodernism and modernism lies in their underlying philosophies and approaches to art and culture. Modernism represented a break from tradition and a focus on progress and individualism, while postmodernism is characterized by its skepticism of truth and its embrace of eclecticism and irony.
what is the difference between postmodern and modern
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Modernism emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, emphasizing progress, rationality, and rejecting traditional forms. Postmodernism, on the other hand, emerged in the late 20th century, rejecting the idea of progress, embracing subjectivity, eclecticism, and irony.