What is the difference between gene expression and gene regulation?(1 point)


Gene expression is all the possible variations you can get from a single gene, and gene regulation is what determines which of those variations you exhibit.
Gene expression is all the possible variations you can get from a single gene, and gene regulation is what determines which of those variations you exhibit.

Gene expression is how genes are induced (turned on) or repressed (turned off), and gene regulation is the process that makes proteins from DNA.
Gene expression is how genes are induced (turned on) or repressed (turned off), and gene regulation is the process that makes proteins from DNA.

Gene expression is what it looks like on the outside, and gene regulation is the section of genes that code it
Gene expression is what it looks like on the outside, and gene regulation is the section of genes that code it

Gene expression is the process that makes proteins from DNA, gene regulation is how genes are included (turned on) or repressed (turned off).

1 answer

The correct response is:

Gene expression is the process that makes proteins from DNA, gene regulation is how genes are induced (turned on) or repressed (turned off).

This response accurately describes the distinction between gene expression and gene regulation: gene expression refers to the entire process by which information from a gene is used to synthesize functional gene products (usually proteins), while gene regulation refers to the mechanisms that control the timing and level of gene expression, determining when and how much of a gene product is produced.