What is the difference between a direct and indirect object pronoun?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Do you need the explanation first in English? The direct-object: a word or phrase denoting the goal or the result of the action of a verb The indirect-object = a grammatical object representing the secondary goal of the action of its verb (as her in "I gave her the book")

In Spanish the Object Pronouns are:

INDIRECT, singular
me (to, for, at, from) me
te (to, for, at, from) you (fam. sing)
le (to, for, at, from) you, him, her, it
nos (to, for, at, from) us
os (to, for, at, from) you (fam. pl)
les (to, for, at, from) you, them
NOTE: the words "to, for, at, from" are either stated or understood

DIRECT, singular
me, me
te, you (fam. singl)
le, you (masc.), him in "leísmo")
lo, you (masc.), him
la, you (fem. sing.) her, it
nos, us
os, you (fam. pl.)
los, you, them (masc. or masc & fem)
las, you, them (fem.)

The forms me, te, nos and os are both direct and indirect object pronouns. They are also reflexive pronouns.

Before an indirect object pronoun, the prepositions to, for, or, from are understood, never stated.

Me dio el dinero. = He gave me the money. (He gave the money to me.)
Me compr�Lwo el libro. = He bought me the book. (He bought the book for me.)
Me cobró el dinero. = He collected the money from me.

POSITION OF OBJECT PRONOUNS = They normally precede the verb. However, when used with an infinitive, a gerund (present participle 'ndo), or an affirmative command, they are attached to the verb.

Well, this will get you started. Let me know if you need more examples and/or DOUBLE OBJECT PRONOUNS, etc.

you said this is an indirect

Me cobró el dinero. = He collected the money from me.

how would you say it using the direct? is it even possible? can you please give me more examples of the direct?

In this sentence "the money" is the direct object because it answers the question WHAT. What did he collect? The money. (it) Now, FROM WHOM will get you the indirect-object pronoun = from me.

I gave you the book. WHAT did I give? the book (direct-object) or it. TO WHOM will get you the indirect-object pronoun = to you.

I suggest you get a good English grammar book with examples of both the direct and indirect objects. OR, write some examples yourself for me to proofread?

P.S. Please visit this site:

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thank you!

how do u answer compraste el coche para mi? using direct and indirect pronouns?