What is the definition of mental illness? Can mental illness be as clearly defined as a physical illness such as diabetes? Can mental illness be cured?
o Has the concept of deinstitutionalization been effective in providing needed services to the mentally ill? Why or why not?
o What populations or groups were most adversely affected by deinstitutionalization? What are the benefits of deinstitutionalization?
o Are health care professionals who provide mental health care integrated with other systems of care? What are the consequences of separating mental health from physical health care? What other services (social and health) might be needed by the mentally ill?
o What are three governmental sources that pay for mental health care? What populations are covered by these sources?
o What are some of the challenges to using a managed care approach in mental health care? How does a managed care model of mental health care reduce health care spending?
o How would you ensure the mentally ill are placed into the appropriate care facility?
o Be sure to cite any sources you searched used while answering the questions in this case study in APA format.
1 answer
2)No. Its a joke. Deinstitionalizing has been the worst social experiment ever. You see all the mentally ill living on the streets. Its "ridiculous" how poorely we treat the mentally ill.
3)Its really bad. They just kicked everyone out of mental institutes with no support structures. The gov and everyone else thought that they could self medicate their illness. But it has led to widespread homelessness, abuse, addiction. It has done alot more harm than good.
4)The mentally ill need alot of services. They need doctors, psychologist, social workers, case workers on regular basis. If they don't have families they need more. Consequences, they don't have any support to help them cope on a daily basis.
5)They are covered under the mental health act. However, mental illness has widespread conotations. As a result, alot of the mentally ill don't receive proper care. They often live on the streets or living in jail.
6)don't know
7)placed in the proper facilities? There is a whole lot of problems with the mentally ill. First, there is confusion and logistical problems with classifying the mentally ill. There are problems identifying them(they are in jail, on the streets). A major impediment is our lack of understand for the mentally ill.
Too address the question i would say that alot of mentally ill rely on families or have no support at all.
From my studies in psychology, brother with shizoprenia for 15 years, working in the field.