What is the decimal equivalent of 3.14 × 10^7?
is this the decimal equivalent? 31400000
What is the decimal equivalent of 2.8 e-4? (In the JavaScript web language, scientific notation normally written as 2 × 103 is written as 2e3.)
is the answer
= 0.00028?
2 answers
YEs, and yes
Just a note on the use of e. Fifty years ago, when we programmed in Fortran, it would be written as 2.8EE-04
Many engineers and mathematicians used that, but in their personal notes, and on the blackboards, it was shortened to just one e (little e is easier to write than capital E), so 2.8e-4 would be the hand written version. It took and stayed, and many of us still use it. A few calculators use it also.
Many engineers and mathematicians used that, but in their personal notes, and on the blackboards, it was shortened to just one e (little e is easier to write than capital E), so 2.8e-4 would be the hand written version. It took and stayed, and many of us still use it. A few calculators use it also.