what is the cultural differences between a team and non-team environment.
5 answers
How does your text describe these differences?
I would really appreciate it if someone would put this into lamin terms as I do not understand the topic as I would like. After reading about this topic all day the words are starting to run together.
Culture: means how the problem solvers interact with each other, what are their expectations, and goals. How do they react to outside infuences.
In high performance teams, a great deal of teamwork and expectations develope amongst the members, they share goals, work, and solutions, and ideas. In non-team enviroments, communication is often stiffled, and relationships rigid and fixed.
In high performance teams, a great deal of teamwork and expectations develope amongst the members, they share goals, work, and solutions, and ideas. In non-team enviroments, communication is often stiffled, and relationships rigid and fixed.
Why do you think it"s said that research about groups is NOT always valid and relevant?
Each person is different. Each group is different.
The first year I started teaching, I taught beginning French to 11 different classes of academically talented 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Each class had its own culture and dynamics. Each class reflected the individuality of the students and the teacher.
The first year I started teaching, I taught beginning French to 11 different classes of academically talented 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Each class had its own culture and dynamics. Each class reflected the individuality of the students and the teacher.