What is the correct way to order steak in a restaurant in Spanish?

1 answer

When ordering steak in a Spanish-speaking restaurant, you can follow this structure:

  1. Greet the waiter: A simple "Hola" (Hello) or "Buenas tardes" (Good afternoon) works well.

  2. Request a menu or ask for recommendations: You could say, "¿Me puede traer el menú, por favor?" (Can you bring me the menu, please?) or "¿Qué me recomienda?" (What do you recommend?).

  3. Specify the type of steak: The word for steak is "bistec" or "carne" (meat). You could say:

    • "Quisiera un bistec, por favor." (I would like a steak, please.)
    • If you have a specific cut in mind, you could use terms like "entrecot" (ribeye), "solomillo" (tenderloin), or "chuleta" (chop).
  4. Specify how you would like it cooked: Common cooking preferences include:

    • "poco hecho" (rare)
    • "medio" (medium)
    • "bien hecho" (well done)

    For example, "Quisiera un bistec poco hecho, por favor." (I would like a rare steak, please.)

  5. Ask for sides or sauces, if desired: "Me gustaría acompañarlo con..." (I would like it served with...) and mention any sides or sauces you would like.

  6. Thank the waiter: You can finish with a polite "gracias" (thank you).

Putting it all together, you might say:
"Hola, me gustaría pedir un bistec poco hecho, por favor. ¿Puedo acompañarlo con papas fritas?" (Hello, I would like to order a rare steak, please. Can I have it with French fries?)

This structure should help you order your steak confidently!