What is the correct Spanish word ponare or poned or pomed?

I have a hard time hearing the word on my online Spanish class, and I need to know what it means. I think it means 'to eat' or 'to put in mouth', but I can't quite hear how to pronounce it.
Thanks! clickhorse

6 answers

I think it's 'comed' or something right?
Unfortunately Jiskha does not have a regular Spanish tutor. I tried several variations of your word in this site, but found nothing. You could try other spellings.

comer en Espanol
ponare = no word
poned = put
pomed = no word
comed = no word

to eat is = comer (pronunciation koˈmeɾ)
Trust me I'm from Spanish heritage and I know Spanish (even though I'm a little rusty).
Thanks for all the help!