What is the best way to study for a calculus chapter test? I always study so much everyday (I read the text book, do a lot of practice problems, and watch a bunch of videos) but end up with a mediocre test grade. I am passing the class, but I'm not liking my grade. I am an "A" student for most subjects, but this class has been tough for me mainly because it's super test heavy, and the questions on the tests throw me off. I'm currently in Calculus 1 in college. How can I improve my way of studying? It seems my peers don't study as much as I do but still end up with better test grades.
2 answers
Sometimes it's easy to over-study, where you study everything, and 1. you get a total brain overload and 2. you don't get the most important parts and focus on little details. What I do is only study the main idea of a subject and not focus on unimportant details.
I agree. Try to sit back and get the big picture. ANyone can learn formulas, but what does it really mean to use the tangent line to form a linear approximation to a function? It just reflects the fact that if you take a short enough chunk, any piece of a curve is basically a straight line segment. So all that y1 = y0 + y' * ∆x is just a fancy way of saying that in a small neighborhood of x0, ∆y/∆x ≈ y'