What is the best medium to use when wanting to teach someone how to do something? (video, photo, audio recording, or text)

What does sufficient evidence mean?

1 answer

The best medium to use when wanting to teach someone how to do something depends on the nature of the skill or task being taught and the learning preferences of the individual being taught. However, in general, a combination of different mediums often works well to provide a comprehensive understanding. For example, using a video to demonstrate the steps, accompanied by text instructions for further clarification, can be a powerful combination.

Sufficient evidence refers to having enough evidence to support a claim or come to a conclusion with confidence. It implies having a satisfactory or satisfactory amount of evidence that is appropriate and relevant to support a particular assertion, argument, or finding. In other words, sufficient evidence means having enough convincing information, data, facts, or proof to back up or substantiate a claim or belief.