what is the area for h=10,b1=12,b2=14 on a trapiziod
2 answers
use this 1/2(b1 + b2)
or, better, this:
a = h/2 (b1+b2)
Note: a triangle is just a trapezoid with b1 = 0, so a = 1/2 h (0+b2) = 1/2 bh
a rectangle is just a trapezoid with b1=b2, so a = 1/2 h * (b1+b1) = h*b1
a = h/2 (b1+b2)
Note: a triangle is just a trapezoid with b1 = 0, so a = 1/2 h (0+b2) = 1/2 bh
a rectangle is just a trapezoid with b1=b2, so a = 1/2 h * (b1+b1) = h*b1