Antonyms have the opposite meaning, while synonyms have a similar meaning. Look up each of the terms in a dictionary. The definition typically includes antonyms and synonyms, especially in a larger hard bound dictionary.
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what is the antonym and synonym of anti-federalists, bill of rights, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea party, Carpetbagger, Checks and Balances, Confederacy, Declaration of Independence, Egalitarianism, Emancipation Proclamation, Enlightenment, Federalism, Federalists, Judicizry Act ot 1789, Ku Klux Klan, Manifest Destiny, Northwest Ordinance of 1787, Nullification, Popular Sovereignty, Proclamation of 1763,Puritan, Ratification Reconstruction, Scalawag, Secession, Sharecropping, Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Two-Party System, and Undergrounf Railroad?
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