When you deal with complements, the first question to ask is
do we know the universal set E?
Here we assume E=Z (integers)
X'∩Y = Y\X = {10,20,40,60,90,100}
Y'&cup'Z'= YΔZ= {30,40,70,80,90,100}
(X\Z)'={10,20,30}' depending what E equals
depending on what E is.
(note U cannot be the universal set because it does not contain any of the other members).
you can type
∩ as & c a p ;
∪ as & c u p ;
(do not enter interstitial spaces)
What is the answer of X' cap Y
What is the answer of Y' U Z'
What is the answer of (X \ Z ) '
What is the answer of ( Y \ Z ) ' U X '
X={10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50}
Y={30 ,50, 60, 90, 100}
Z={40, 50, 60, 70, 80}
U={200, 300}
3 answers
Y'∪Z'= YΔZ= {30,40,70,80,90,100}
Y'∪Z'= YΔZ= {30,40,70,80,90,100}
Thank you