what is sulfur and what are the uses please make it simple as possible:D

2 answers

Sulfur is a yellow solid that is mined from mines around the world by the Frasch process. One such place in the U. S. is in a place aptly named Sulphur, Louisiana. One use is to burn it (sulfur) and use the gas produced (sulfur dioxide) as a fumigant but that is dangerous because SO2 is so toxic. Another use is to make sulfuric acid. It has been said that one can tell how industrialized a country is by the amount of sulfuric acid produced. The U. S. produces tons and tons of sulfur acid annually. Another use, which I used as a child picking wild black berries, was to rub some of the powered sulfur (called flowers or sulfur) on my wrists, around my neck, and around my belt line. No chiggers that way when I picked wild black berries. Here is a site where much more informationis available about sulfur. http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/S/key.html
I forgot. The sulfur must be rubbed on the ankles, also.