what is something that can be fixed to improve
Based on evidence, using Crispr-Cas9 can lower BCL11A expression, which in turn causes foetal and y-haemoglobin to be disinhibited and increase in levels. With the increasing number of patients enrolled with beta-thalassemia, CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene editing targeting BCL11A aims to determine the effective time constraint for infusion, elevating a deeper understanding of treatment strategies. Using CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the BCL11A enhancer gene in thalassemia patients could significantly reduce morbidity and mortality by increasing foetal haemoglobin production, leading to fewer blood transfusions and complications, thus improving the overall quality of future medicine. The direction for future research efforts, clinical applications, and potential therapeutic advancements in the field of gene editing for beta-thalassemia. Insert a line graph to extrapolate the trend based on the available information.
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